
Showing posts from July, 2022

Understanding Breast Changes: A Health Guide for Women

 In the event that you got an unusual mammogram result, or saw an adjustment of your breast, for example, a knot, areola release, or skin change - Understanding Breast Changes was composed for you. Most unusual mammogram discoveries don't end up being cancer. Notwithstanding, it is critical to circle back to your medical services supplier after an unusual mammogram finding, or on the other hand in the event that you notice a breast change. This guide presents data about: Conceivable mammogram results Follow-up tests like a ultrasound, MRI, or breast biopsy Breast and lymphatic system rudiments           Breast conditions and follow-up care, to converse with your medical services supplier about:           Breast changes during your lifetime that are not cancer (harmless circumstances)   Conditions that are not cancer like pimples, fibroadenomas, and adenosis, among others   Conditions that are not cancer, but rather may build your gamble of breast cancer, like ALH, ADH, and LCIS Con

How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Specialists frequently utilize extra tests to find or analyze breast malignant growth. They might allude ladies to a breast subject matter expert or a specialist. This doesn't imply that she has malignant growth or that she wants a medical procedure. These specialists are specialists in diagnosing breast issues. Breast ultrasound . A machine that utilizations sound waves to make pictures, called ultrasound images, of regions inside the breast. Symptomatic mammogram . In the event that you have an issue in your breast, like knots, or on the other hand assuming that a region of the breast looks unusual on a screening mammogram, specialists might have you get a symptomatic mammogram. This is a more point by point X-beam of the breast. Breast attractive resonance imaging (MRI) . A sort of body examine that utilizes a magnet connected to a PC. The MRI sweep will make itemized pictures of regions inside the breast. Biopsy . This is a test that eliminates tissue or liquid from the breast

OPG - orthopantomogram test in LifeScan Diagnostic Centre

What is an OPG? X-rays use radiation to take pictures of bones and different parts inside the body. An OPG is an all encompassing X-beam of the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth. The OPG unit is explicitly intended to turn around the patient's head during the sweep. An OPG will require approximately 20 seconds. An OPG can be utilized to search for     Cracks     Disjoined jaw     Contamination     Dentition (teeth) It can likewise be utilized for careful preparation. Advantages of an OPG     Effortless, quick and simple     No radiation is left in your body after the OPG is done Dangers of an OPG Your PCP, dental specialist or dental expert knows the dangers of having an OPG and will consider the dangers prior to suggesting you have this kind of X-beam. Potential dangers are     A tiny opportunity of injury to a creating baby     A minuscule opportunity you could foster malignant growth in the long haul from the radiation. Be that as it may, assuming you want the examinatio

Care begins in the womb

No place is the honor of encountering supernatural occurrences on earth more evident than in the excursion of pregnancy in one's life. Science has made it conceivable to observe the child's development with the assistance of cutting edge ultrasonography technology. Watching, hearing and feeling the little wonder developing inside you is an extraordinary encounter.   Fetal Medicine is a part of medicine that incorporates the assessment of fetal development, prosperity, diagnosis of fetal disease and abnormalities. With propels in technology and medicine, our capacity to analyze and treat issues while the child is still in the belly has been exceptional than any time in recent memory. Accordingly, the embryo is progressively turning into a free individual and fetal medicine is the specialty that tends to this "unborn patient". Fetal medicine incorporates prenatal diagnosis and fetal treatment. Prenatal diagnosis is the consistently further ability to develop to disti

3D and 4D Ultrasounds During Pregnancy

 Most likely you're restless to see your developing child in your tummy — all things considered, nine months is quite a while to stand by to get a brief look at those small fingers and toes. And since 3D and 4D ultrasound tests permit you to see your unborn child in much more profundity and detail than a standard 2D ultrasound, you might be anxious to book a photograph operation. Be that as it may, before you do, it's critical to understand when 3D ultrasound images and 4D ultrasound images ought to be utilized during pregnancy to guarantee you're doing all that could be within reach to keep you and your child protected and sound. What's the distinction between 2D, Doppler, 3D and 4D ultrasounds? During your pregnancy, you might get a blend of the accompanying ultrasounds:   2D ultrasounds: If you've visited the specialist, you've presumably currently encountered a 2D (two-layered) ultrasound and realize it very well may be an interesting and mysterious moment.

LifeScan Diagnostic Centre - Best MRI Centre in Ghaziabad

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) utilizes an enormous magnet and radio waves to check out at organs and designs inside your body. Medical services experts use MRI outputs to analyze various circumstances, from torn tendons to growths. X-rays are extremely helpful for inspecting the mind and spinal line. During the sweep, you lie on a table that slides inside a passage formed machine. Doing the sweep can consume a large chunk of the day, and you should remain still. The output is effortless. The MRI machine makes a ton of commotion. The specialist might offer you earplugs. Before you get a sweep, let your primary care physician know if you : Are pregnant Have bits of metal in your body. You could have metal in your body in the event that you have a shrapnel or projectile injury or on the other hand assuming you are a welder. Have metal or electronic gadgets in your body, like a cardiovascular pacemaker or a metal counterfeit joint                                                        

LifeScan Diagnostic Centre - Best ultrasound Centre in Ghaziabad

Ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound scanning or sonography, is a method of obtaining pictures or images from inside the human body. It involves sending very high frequency sound waves through the body. These sound waves are reflected off the internal organs. The reflections are then processed by special instruments and powerful computers that subsequently measure and create a visual image of the organs. Ultrasound images are captured in real time and displayed on a television monitor.   The range of Ultrasound tests offered by us are as follows: Test Name HR USG OF ANKLE HR USG OF BOTH EYE BALL HR USG OF BRAIN HR USG OF BREAST HR USG OF BREAST (Screening) HR USG OF CHEST HR USG OF CRANIUM. HR USG OF EYE HR USG OF EYE (Screening) HR USG OF EYE BALL WITH ORBIT HR USG OF HEAD HR USG OF INFANT BRAIN HR USG OF INFANT BRAIN (Screening) HR USG OF INGUINAL REGION HR USG OF KNEE HR USG OF MANDIBULAR GLAND HR USG OF NECK HR USG OF ORBIT HR USG OF PARATHYROID HR USG OF PENIS HR USG OF POPL

LifeScan Diagnostic Centre - Best CT Scan Diagnostic Centre in Ghaziabad

A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body. A CT scan can be used to study all parts of your body, such as the chest, belly, pelvis, or an arm or leg. It can take pictures of body organs, such as the liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, bladder, adrenal glands, lungs, and heart. It also can study blood vessels, bones, and the spinal cord. The range of CT Scan tests offered by us are as follows: Test Name CT SCAN BRAIN (Contrast) CT SCAN BRAIN (Plain) CT SCAN CERVICAL SPINE CT SCAN CHEST (Contrast) CT SCAN CHEST (HRCT) CT SCAN CHEST (Plain) CT SCAN CV JUNCTION CT SCAN DORSOLUMBAR SPINE CT SCAN ELBOW (Contrast) CT SCAN ELBOW (Plain) CT SCAN FOOT (Contrast) CT SCAN FOOT (Plain) CT SCAN GUIDED BIOPSY CT SCAN GUIDED FNAC CT SCAN HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM CT SCAN I.V.U. (Contrast) CT SCAN KNEE (Plain) CT SCAN KUB CT SCAN KUB (Contrast) CT SCAN L.S. SPINE CT SCAN LARYNX (CONTRAST) CT SCAN LOWER ABDOMEN (Contrst) CT SCAN LOWER ABDOMEN (Pl