What Can a Private Ultrasound Scan Show You?


Ultrasound imaging has been around since the 1970's in the form of 2D ultrasound imaging. This form of Ultrasound imaging has been able to offer expectant parents the reassurance of a confirmed pregnancy, an expected due date and the possibility of noting any large genetic anomalies they need to be aware of. If the image is good enough, it may even determine the gender of the baby at around 18-21 weeks gestation. ultrasound centre in Ghaziabad


In the last 10 years, 3D and 4D imaging, which is often done as a private ultrasound scan, has been used far more often. While some Obstetricians may feel that it is unnecessary to use this type of imaging, many have realized that it can be very beneficial.


When you use 3D and 4D imaging centres, you be in an enclosed, private setting and see very life-like images of your unborn baby on a large video monitor. The reason the images are so life-like in an ultrasound scan using 3D and 4D technology, is due to the imaging capabilities. 2D images create a single image, whereas 3D and 4D scans create multiple images in a row and pattern them together to give either a 3D or 4D effect. This gives you the ability to see many of the features of your unborn baby you would never be able to see with a 2D ultrasound scan.


The benefits of private ultrasound scans using 3D and 4D imaging goes far beyond the entertainment factor. The use of this type of scan can detect birth defects that 2D may not be able to pick up. It is far more likely to see anomalies such as VACTERL association, spina bifida, cleft lip and palate and abnormalities with the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. The peace of mind that these advanced images can offer can be immeasurable. Should a private ultrasound scan show any abnormalities to the foetus, this would allow the expectant parents to prepare in any way possible, and talk to their obstetrician about any options they have concerning specific genetic anomalies. Diagnostic centre in Ghaziabad


Ultrasound Imaging using 3D and 4D images can offer a special way to share the pregnancy with your family. Most imaging centres will allow as many people in the room as you desire at a certain capacity. With the images on the large screen, this can be a fun way to "introduce" the baby to grandparents, aunts and uncles as well as friends. This can also be an exciting way for everyone to know the gender of the baby as it can be announced all at once.


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