What to Expect During an MRI Scan


An MRI scan is a painless procedure that lasts between 20-45 minutes. Wear something comfortable, depending on the body part being scanned you need to wear a hospital gown. You will have to fill out an MRI safety questionnaire to ensure your safety. Metal objects can cause the greatest safety risk, not only will they affect the quality of the scan, but it is possible that they can create a danger.


Questions like, do you have dental magnets, a pacemaker, or a heart stint in your body are routine questions to expect before the test. Items other than metal will probably not cause a safety hazard, however they will affect the quality of the MRI scan. They will ask you about removable appliances like hearing aids, eyeglasses, and dental appliances. The procedure may involve the administration of a contrast material that is either swallowed or injected intravenously. The contrast may create a warm sensation throughout the body. Best Diagnostic centre in Ghaziabad


Once ready, the patient lies on the movable bed, which will slide into the large tube. Patients with claustrophobia should speak with a physician about a relaxant to reduce anxiety during the test. The clanging noise itself may be too much to listen to and in that case earplugs may reduce the noise level. If all else fails, your physician may use sedation. It is important that the patient stay still during the test sedation may become necessary if the patient cannot remain still for the 20-45 minutes required to administer the exam. Today, many MRI centres provide a newer option called, an Open MRI. Patients with severe claustrophobia may want to consider this option if available locally. Diagnostic centre in Ghaziabad


Once in place, the technician will leave the room and administer the test from an adjacent room where the technician can see the MRI machine. When the exam begins you will hear a clanging sound created by the magnetic resonance. As the test proceeds the technician will ask you at various times to hold your breath and then let it out. The technician will always be able to hear you should you have any discomfort. After the exam is over the bed will slide back out, get dressed, and you are on your way. Other options you may want to consider include; extremity MRIs where one of the body parts goes inside the tube. MRI is a diagnostic tool used by physicians to determine a number of ailments not seen by a normal x-ray or CT scan. Always ask your physician to explain the available options.



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